

Why choose a lipoedema treatment

Lipoedema, a distinguishable condition from lymphedema, is characterized by the uneven distribution of adipose tissue in the body. This can lead to concentrated accumulations of fat in specific areas such as the hips, thighs, lower legs, knee hollows, and inner arms. Unlike lymphedema, patients with lipoedema typically experience persistent pain. The skin on the affected areas of the body can be extremely sensitive, leading to pain even with light touch. Lipoedema can cause cold sensations in the lower legs and rapid onset fatigue in the legs. In addition to pain, fatigue and quickly occurring overexertion are often reported symptoms of this condition. Moreover, the affected skin undergoes noticeable changes over the years. In the early stages of lipoedema, the skin retains its softness, but over time, it can become rougher and more uneven. Swellings may even occur. To minimize the progression of lipoedema, it is crucial for patients to undergo appropriate lipoedema treatment regularly.

The lipoedema treatment explained

For the treatment of lipoedema, we use the Icoone device. This device offers two options for treating lipoedema:

Treatment with Icoone LaserMed
The Icoone LaserMed is an advanced system that combines the patented Roboderm® technology with LED and Laser light sources. This unique combination allows the Icoone LaserMed to work deeply on every millimeter of the skin. This makes the system particularly suitable for the treatment of lipoedema, as it stimulates oxygen supply to connective tissue, fibroblasts, and blood circulation. As a result, treatment with the Icoone LaserMed can aid in the healing of vascular and lymphatic conditions, such as lipoedema. This system is effective in reducing fat deposits and can even be applied to the inner arms and legs. Lipoedema treatment with the Icoone LaserMed is safe and virtually painless. Moreover, it offers a more efficient and faster solution compared to traditional mechanical connective tissue massage systems.

Treatment with Icoone Medical
With the Icoone Medical, it is possible to treat even the most sensitive and damaged skin. The innovative Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (MMAS) provides valuable support to the practitioner and ensures optimal activation and tissue repair. What makes this method particularly attractive is its high effectiveness without causing any discomfort to the patient.
Minutes (starting from)
Één focus zone
v.a. € 50,-
20 minuten
Lichaamsbehandeling met focus zone
€ 92,-
40 minuten
Extra focus zone
€ 44,-
20 minuten
Verplichte aanschaf Icoone® Bodysuit (verkrijgbaar in kliniek)
€ 37,-
Overview body
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