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are you bikiniproof yet?

Hair, especially excess hair, in the cleft of the buttocks near the tailbone plays a crucial role in the formation of the painful boils and abscesses known as pilonidal cysts or pilonidal disease. The exact cause of pilonidal disease (inflammation around the cleft of the buttocks) is unknown, but most medical professionals agree that loose hair that pushes into the skin seems to be the culprit for the development of cysts. This loose hair is often pushed into the skin by the friction and pressure exerted by things like riding a bike, wearing tight clothing, sitting for long periods of time, skin rubbing against skin, or other similar factors.

Pilonidal cysts that don’t heal on their own usually require surgery to cut away the infected area. However, even with surgery, if the hair in the area isn’t removed, the chances of more cysts developing in the future are relatively high. That’s why many medical professionals recommend laser hair removal treatments as a way to safely and effectively reduce your risk of pilonidal cyst recurrence.

For many people who suffer from these painful cysts, shaving is not enough to treat the unwanted hair that forms these cysts and inflammation. The permanent results you get with laser hair removal make it your best option for preventing pilonidal cysts because the hair is gone for good!

Take the first step in preventing pilonidal cysts by scheduling your free consultation today!

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